If Audiovector was merely a Danish manufacturer of loudspeakers and subwoofers, it would be highly prized for making a range of products that both look and sound good. But that’s just the start. Unlike most loudspeaker manufacturers, Audiovector has an upgrade path for its core range of loudspeakers. This means that if you choose a loudspeaker that fits your room, those loudspeakers can grow with the rest of your system, changing drive units, crossover network, even the rear and base of the enclosure itself. This is no mere gimmick; it allows the listener to better match the loudspeaker to the performance of the system over time, and also allows owners to continue to develop their loudspeaker system as funds permit. This means Audiovector owners keep their loudspeakers for longer and become some of the loyalist followers of a speaker brand in the business!