AUDIOVECTOR QR5 SE By Håvard Holmedal ”Audiovector QR5 SE er en svært velspillende, presis og dynamisk høyttaler som gjøre det svært moro å spille musikk.”
AUDIOVECTOR QR 5 AV GUIDE, September 2021 By Silvan Karrer, Editor Audio “The elegant and stylish speakers QR 5 from Audiovector, play exactly what they
AUDIOVECTOR QR 5 HI-FI CHOICE RECOMMENDED, NOVEMBER 2020 “The temporal elements are all present and correct – dynamics, too. They’re just not pushed hard in
AUDIOVECTOR QR 5 HIFI & MUSIK, September 2019 “Audiovector, however, goes deeper and is more clearly articulated, but above all there is a considerably larger
AUDIOVECTOR QR 5 HIFIROOM.CZ, June 2019 By Pavel Víšek “The systems offer a sophisticated, frequency-balanced sound that builds on accurate and quite agile bass in