Audiovector QR-1 SE Standmount Loudspeaker “It’s not easy to find a modestly priced loudspeaker that’s able to combine real refinement with genuine excitement, so for
Audiovector Trapeze Ri “Trapeze Reimagined Audiovectors are extraordinary loudspeakers. They combine the best features of dynamic drivers with unexpected smoothness and a noble timbre, plus
Audiovector Trapeze Ri “Die Audiovector Trapeze Reimagined besitzt daher ein perfekt asymmetrisches Gehäuse, das solche Effekte verhindern. Neben der Schallwand sind auch Gehäuseboden und -deckel
Audiovector Trapeze Ri “The three drivers combine to achieve an even power, flat frequency response to match the famous Brûel & Kjaer ideal room response.